Teeth Whitening in Lewis Center, OH

If you have stained or yellowed teeth, teeth whitening from Refine Dental Studio may be the best way to restore your smile and your confidence. Contact us today to schedule a cosmetic consultation, and see if teeth whitening in Lewis Center is right for you.

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teeth whitening in Lewis Center

How Teeth Whitening can Improve Your Smile

With professional teeth whitening, you can reverse years of stains in just a single appointment at Refine Dental Studio. Teeth whitening uses special chemicals known as “peroxides” to remove stains and discoloration and improve your smile. Peroxide whiteners react to the presence of stains on your teeth. Then, the whitener “bleaches” them away by breaking the chemical bonds that hold the stain in place. With teeth whitening from Lewis Center dentist Dr. Bhullar, you can eliminate pesky stains and feel proud of your smile once again. Contact us today to learn more!

Lewis Center teeth whitening

Did you know…

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The ancient Egyptians were among the first people to try to whiten their smiles more than 4000 years ago. They used a mixture of volcanic pumice stone and vinegar to polish their teeth.

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In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office whitening is done at Refine Dental Studio by Dr. Bhullar and our team. It offers the fastest results. Most patients can whiten their teeth by 5-10 shades in just a single appointment. If you need fast results for a special occasion, in-office whitening may be right for you.

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Take-Home Teeth Whitening

In take-home whitening, you get a set of special, custom-fitted trays and professional whitening products from the team at Refine Dental Studio. Then, you can treat yourself in the comfort of your own home, according to Dr. Bhullar’s instructions. Since you can treat yourself at home, it’s easy to fit teeth whitening into your busy schedule, and you don’t have to spend as much time in the dentist’s chair.

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Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

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The Benefits Of Teeth Whitening

Boosts your confidence

The #1 benefit of teeth whitening is that it helps you feel more confident about your teeth. You don’t have to worry about stains, yellowing, or discoloration making you feel less confident when you smile, eat, speak, or laugh around others.

Affordable treatment

Teeth whitening is one of the least expensive ways to transform your smile. This makes it a good option if you’re on a budget, but you still want the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

Makes you look younger

Teeth whitening can remove years of stains, and take years off of your appearance, too. Stained and discolored teeth make you look older than you really are, so teeth whitening can make you look quite a bit younger.

The Teeth Whitening Treatment Process

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Cosmetic consultation

First, you’ll meet with Dr. Bhullar to find out if you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening, and to learn more about your options for cosmetic dentistry in Lewis Center. Once you’re approved, you’ll schedule a follow-up for in-office or take-home whitening.

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In-office whitening procedure

To begin the in-office whitening procedure, Dr. Bhullar will clean your teeth. Then, she will apply a protectant to your gums and use dental retractors to separate your tongue and lips from your teeth. Next, she will apply whitener to your teeth and activate it using a special light. Then, she will rinse the whitener away after a few minutes. This process will be repeated until your smile reaches your desired shade.

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Fitting for take-home trays

If you’re getting take-home treatment, Dr. Bhullar will take impressions of your teeth. She will send these to a dental lab, where a set of custom whitening trays will be built for you. You’ll come back to our office in a few weeks to pick up your trays, as well as a set of professional whitening products. Then, just follow Dr. Bhullar’s instructions to treat yourself at home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Professional teeth whitening from Refine Dental Studio is 100% safe. Dr. Bhullar has years of experience in cosmetic dentistry, and will provide you with the safe, effective treatment you need to transform your smile and boost your self-esteem.

In-office whitening can usually whiten your teeth by up to 5-10 shades, and you’ll see results immediately. Take-home whitening has similar results, but takes longer. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for your smile to reach its peak brightness. Some patients actually prefer this, since the more gradual results make it less obvious that they have had their teeth whitened.

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